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Boost your operations with automation

With Orca AI’s digital watchkeeper you can navigate smarter and safer and save more fuel on every voyage. The future of efficient shipping operations is here!
Get a first-hand look at the platform and learn how it can support your business!

Orca AI helped us find the ultimate computer vision solution to enhance situational awareness for ships. We believe that their groundbreaking technology has the potential to transform the shipping industry.

Orca AI is transforming traditional navigation paradigms. Their technology is sure to be a key enabler of autonomous shipping over the next few years.

"Orca AI allows our crews to navigate safely, by providing a better understanding of the vessel's surroundings during foggy and high sea conditions, when the radar screen becomes cluttered.

“Orca AI is very useful during approaches and in congested waters to ensure awareness of nearby targets. The thermal mode determines the actual size and characteristics of targets at night, a task that can be challenging with binoculars only."

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